Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Alicia Silverstone, ever heard of a food processor?

As a mom, I would do whatever is humanly possible to provide the best care for my children. However, Alicia Silverstone has taken mothering to a whole new level. Have you all seen the video she posted of herself and her son on Youtube? For those who haven't, I've embedded the video below. You be the judge of this bird-like behavior.

Seen enough? I have. This kind of behavior is what you would normally see on the Discovery Channel when they show birds fetching food for their children and feeding it to them. It only makes sense that they do this, they have no arms after all. However, a normal person in this modern age would most likely find this behavior bizarre (as I do!) and simply not necessary. That is what a food processor is for. If you can't afford one, ever heard of this invention called the fork?! Use it, it works.

How about you, what do you think of what Alicia Silverstone did? Chime in below...

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